Thursday, August 14, 2008


Communists of America unite! We finally have a real presidential candidate who holds our values dear. We support Obama because he wants to nationalize health care, take money from the rich to give to the poor, and make one class of people. Hooray for communism! Hooray for Obama! Hooray for Obamunism! (That whole democracy thing just wasn't working out anyway.)

Awesome shirt I found. Check it out.


The_Chef said...

Dude, sweet find on that shirt!

And as for the post I couldn't agree more. That whack bastard will drive this country into the ground, not that we're doing so hot with any of the choices, but ...

Rosie said...

I was going to say 'sweet shirt' but I guess the person before me already did :(

The_Chef said...

Yeah ... but your blogger name is cooler, so you win.

Anonymous said...

Cool. Do they have one cheering on Republicans for torture, domestic spying, and no rights for the accused?

The_Chef said...

@ Anon

Oh that would be appropriate. Let's not forget a desire to regulate who one can pledge to love honor and cherish.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...appears they DO have an anti republican / anti McCain shirt.