Monday, August 11, 2008

Michelle Obama to Speak On Convention's First Night

Sen. Barack Obama's campaign announced yesterday that his wife, Michelle, will be the star attraction on the opening night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver on Aug. 25.

Following Michelle Obama on Monday, the "headline speakers" for the rest of the convention will be Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday, Obama's vice presidential choice on Wednesday, and Obama on Thursday. The convention will move that day to Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium, and Obama will officially accept the party's nomination before a crowd expected to reach 75,000.

Two of the dates will be rich with symbolism. Clinton, who came closer than any woman to winning a major-party nomination for president, will speak on the 88th anniversary of women receiving the right to vote, and Obama will give his acceptance speech on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

The Obama camp had previously said that Clinton would speak on Tuesday night, although negotiations continue about whether her name will be placed in nomination. The New York Daily News reported that Clinton has raised the idea of being introduced by her daughter, Chelsea. Former president Bill Clinton is scheduled to address the delegates on Wednesday night.

The Obama camp and the Democratic National Committee said additional details about the convention and speakers will be released this week.

This is great, Clinton to speak on the anniversary of women suffrage, Obama on the anniversary of King’s famous speech. Any other symbolic dates the Democrats want to touch on? But, most importantly, Michelle Obama is going to be the opening act on Monday night. Are they setting her up for a great speech and to have it catapult her to the president race in future years? Let’s hope not…

Wonder why this is the first time she is proud of being American? Is it because of the "change" he is going to bring to America? Exactly what change is that? Definitely not good change... I can tell you that. Social and Economic justice is not a good idea. Sorry, if you don't succeed then it's because of your choices and decisions. The people who make it in this world are the people who make good choices and decisions. Why should successful people be punished? Isn't it the American dream to succeed? Last I heard, the American dream definitely wasn't sitting on your ass, popping out babies, and living off welfare. Unfortunately, it seems to be moving towards that more and more.


The_Chef said...

Ah the messiah will bless us with the presence of his wife!

What a fucking circus.

Anonymous said...

No, of course not, the american dream is torture, denying the basic rights of the accused, domestic spying, claiming that the judiciary and Congress cant restrain the President, that the President is explicitly not bound by the Fourth Amendment and protections against search and seizure, and politicizing the civil service.

thewitlessknower said...

i think you have it right, anonymous. haha

damn, i will never know who this anonymous person is!

The Grasshopper said...

I honestly think you americans have two difficult choices 1. You choose Mcain and its the saaame game all over again do you really think hell be any different from the Bush monkey? Right.. you can dream and if you like Bush..well wtv. 2. Obama the supposively inexpirienced.. Well really I think you should give the guy a break and give the country a chance for a fresh face...In the end The president stands for nothing anyway they dont govern. Its the CIA and all the other goverment offices that really run the why care.